Why use Holcombe Financial Services?
How we can help
We assist you in adding to your quality of life through better planning of your personal and business financial planning arrangements. Many people are concerned that their finances do not match with their personal goals and are worried that they are not on track to achieve them. We can ensure that your finances do match your goals by organising your financial plans and reviewing them regularly to help ensure that you are on target.
How we work
It is the belief of all Independent Financial Advisers at Holcombe Financial Services in Bury, that being open and transparent is the key to successful delivery of financial planning solutions to all of our clients.
Regular client contact, feedback forms and use of industry specialist feedback websites are an integral part of the management information used when assessing the best ways to improve the systems and procedures within our practise.
Our key source of new business at Holcombe Financial Services is client referral. We actively seek referrals and understand the need to exceed our existing clients’ expectations in order to achieve this.
The aim of our business at Holcombe Financial Services is to delight our clients by providing a service over and above what would normally be expected. Our philosophy is to build, manage and protect wealth and this can involve anything from achieving the value from mortgage and protection arrangements, advising on the management of investment or pension/retirement portfolio, to helping with tax efficient financial planning. Often this means having an impact upon someone’s life at a significant time when the need for advice is crucial.
In personal terms we can offer valuable advice at crucial times such as buying your first home, getting married/living with your partner, having children, changing jobs, moving house, planning for children’s education, getting divorced, setting up/managing a business, being made redundant, dealing with illness or an accident, approaching retirement, managing your retirement, inheriting assets or dealing with an estate.
We believe that investment success comes from the consistent application of a robust process which is directly linked to our investment process and philosophy. However you could apply this philosophy to any area of financial services, which is something we look to implement for our clients.
All IFA's at Holcombe Financial Services in Ramsbottom, Bury are qualified, approachable , trustworthy, personable and have the skills to tailor their service to every client's needs. As a company we pride ourselves upon maintaining the highest standards and integrity.